Spectrophotometric colour stability analysis of Hesperidin incorporated Total-etch dentin adhesive- an invitro study

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M. Shamly
Iffat Nasim


Hesperidin, Collagen-crosslinker, Total etch dentin adhesive, Micro-organisms, Quality of life


Background: Hesperidin has been investigated for its ability to promote collagen cross-linking, enhancing the stability and mechanical properties of collagen fibers. By incorporating hesperidin into the total-etch dentin adhesive, it is believed that it may contribute to improved bonding and longevity by strengthening the collagen matrix and reducing the risk of collagen degradation. The rationale behind incorporating these additives is to potentially enhance adhesive properties, improve bonding effectiveness, and address specific challenges related to color stability and moisture control.
Materials and methods: In this study, the total etch adhesive used was Adper single bond 2 (3m ESPE). 2% Hesperidin dissolved in Dimethyl sulphoxide was incorporated into total etch adhesive. Color stability was checked using Spectrophotometer after polymerisation of adhesives using a glass slide mould. The initial color of the specimens were measured according to the CIELAB color system. The L*, a*, and b* values were recorded before and after ageing process at 7 days and 1 month. Color difference DE* was calculated using the following equation: DE*=[DL* 2 + Da* 2 + Db* 2 ]1/2.
Results: The color difference values for control group at 7 days and 1 month were 0.18 and 2.12 respectively and for the test group were 5.96 and 7.49 respectively. Color instability was more in test group compared to the control group. The colour difference is often not perceived visually and is regarded as clinically appropriate if the computed E value is less than 10. Thus the test group values are still clinically acceptable.
Conclusion: Overall, the findings of this study suggest that hesperidin can be a promising natural additive for improving the bonding ability of dentin adhesive without compromising its color stability. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the long-term durability and clinical efficacy of the hesperidin-incorporated dentin adhesive in vivo.
Clinical Significance: Adding Hesperidin as a natural collagen cross linker to total-etch dentin adhesives may benefit in improving the longevity of composite restorations by stabilising the dentin hybrid layer without compromising the color stability.

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