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Ehsanullah Malik
Sajjad Ahmed Channa
Abdul Gaffar Pirzado
Wasim Sarwar Bhatti
Waseem Abbas
Nadeem Baloch
Shahjahan Siyal
Saiqa Lashari
Muhammad Umair Farooqi
Fahad Jibran Siyal


Acute Appendicitis, Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, Appendectomy, Wound Infection, Hospital Stay


BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis is most common emergency encountered round the globe. Open appendectomy is gold standard for treatment of acute appendicitis. However, with invent of laparoscopic surgery, effort is to minimize the tissue trauma. Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) appendectomy is novel technique which is not universally practiced. This study evaluated outcome of SILS appendectomy.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to determine the outcome of SILS appendectomy for treatment of acute appendicitis.

METHODS: A Cross sectional comparative study was carried at surgical departments at sir Ganga ram Hospital Lahore for Six months from June 2006 to November 2006. Hundred patients with diagnosis of acute appendicitis were collected for this study. All the patients had SILS appendectomy. The patients were evaluated for the outcome parameters i.e. wound infection and hospital stay.

RESULTS: The success was labeled as yes in 98 (98%) patients. The wound infection was seen in 2 (2%) patients, while 98 (98%) patients did not have wound infection. There were 95 (95%) patients in the study in whom two days of hospital stay was required, while in 5 (5%) patients, more than two days of hospital admission was needed. The mean duration of hospital stay was 2.16±0.29 days.

CONCLUSIONS: The success rate of SILS appendectomy is quite high with a very low rate of wound infection. The hospital stay is also acceptable (approximately 2 days). So, it appears to be a feasible technique.

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