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Muhammad Osama
Rahila Ikram
Calvin R. Wei
Nargis Saharan
Sumaira Khadim
Adnan Iqbal
Shoaib Alam


Hyperkalemia, Hypercalcemia, Hypermagnesemia, Hypernatremia, Carica Papaya, Serum Electrolytes


Consumption and utilization of plant based products as medicine for treating unhealthy conditions is increasing all over the world. There is a general belief that these plant based products are safe to be consumed, are economical, easy available and have no adverse effects. Awareness about the toxic and adverse effect potential of these plant based products and reporting of these adverse effects is very uncommon. Papaya plant is very famous all over the world due to its unique nutritional and therapeutic composition of each part. A large portion of population consume different parts of papaya for different purposes for e.g. Ripe fruit is consumed to relieve constipation, seeds are used as spice in cooking, unripe fruit is used as meat tenderizer, leaves are used in fever conditions etc. This study aimed to investigate the effects of different papaya parts i.e. ripe fruit, seeds, unripe fruit and leaves on serum electrolytes. The findings of this study revealed that each part has the tendency to raise serum potassium, serum calcium and serum magnesium both after acute and chronic dosing which suggests that daily consumption of any of these part can lead to certain consequences due to fluctuations in serum electrolyte concentrations. 

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