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Muhammad Ahsan
Muhammad Moazam Jalees
Waqas Ashraf
Aamir Ghafoor
Muhammad Tariq Mahmood
Faisal Saddique
Syed Makhdoom Hussain
Bilal Aslam
Zeeshan Nawaz
Aimen Shafqat
Safdar Ali


Vaccine, Monovalen, Bivalent, P. multocida, Avian influenza, HI, ELISA


Introduction: Vaccines are very Important to prevent disease outbreaks. Vaccines have special importance in the prevention of diseases such as Avian influenza (AI) and Fowl cholera (FC) which are economically significant afflicting poultry in Pakistan as well as around the world. The immunogenicity of an experimental bivalent inactivated Avian Influenza H5 and Fowl Cholera (P. multocida)(PM) vaccine is tested in the field in this study.

Methodology: A total of 100-day-old broiler chicks were selected. The chicks were divided into four groups of 25 birds each. Group 1 injected with monovalent H5, Group 2 with PM. Group 3 with Bivalent H5 and P. multocida vaccine in equal dose of both vaccines at the rate of 1:1. Group 4 was kept as control. Group 1, 2 and 3 received 1st Vaccine shot at 7th day of age and 2nd dose at day 14th day of age. Results: The immunization potency by ELISA and protective efficacy by challenge study of a bivalent inactivated fowl cholera and AI vaccine is determined through experimental application on broiler flocks in this study. ELISA test was used to determine the peak of the humeral immune response against PM at the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th weeks after vaccination, same testing for Influenza H5 titer was done by using HI after vaccination. ELISA titer of Fowl cholera in monovalent vaccine group at 6th week was 2900 while in bivalent vaccine group was 4056. Similarly, HI test of H5 titer was 7log in bivalent while in monovalent was 5.3 log in 6th week. Conclusions: It was observed that bivalent vaccine has relatively higher titer (protection) against H5 and PM than monovalent, with same dose (0.5ml dose/ pullet).

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