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Javed Iqbal
Mir Aftab Uz Zaman
Dr Asfand Yar Khalid
Khadija Al Shakhali
Dr. Muna Al Maslamani
Mona Ali Al Frahan
Dr. Brijesh Sathian
Dr Sreethish Sasi
Ibrahim Mahdi
Amir Sultan
Afsha Bibi


Whiteboard Communication, Patient engagement, Healthcare communication, awareness, satisfaction, standardized tool


Background:-To explore the impact of communication whiteboards in healthcare settings, this review focuses on patient and Healthcare provider engagement and communication while the patient stays at the hospital, the communication whiteboard is a tool to bring closer healthcare providers and patients to discuss their health information that will reduce the patient's curiosity to know their diagnosis or treatment plan as well as it helps to reduce patient’s anxiety, fear, and stress. To increase awareness among patients and healthcare providers for their active participation and contribution to enhance person-centered care through communication whiteboard on standardized content. 

Method: - After reviewing and got the encyclopedic information regarding the selected topic and guiding the narrative review, a research question is developed using the PICOT technique. The keywords were identified, and a literature search was conducted between January 2005 to November 2023.  The Nursing and medical electronic database literature as part of the process of understanding the current evidence or knowledge base literature search from MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and PubMed databases for the relevant studies.

Results: After screening of literature review 21 studies were included and Customized.

Conclusion:  This systematic review elucidates about patient whiteboards enhance patient engagement and promote the person-centered care approach.

Aim: To increase awareness and reduce the communication gap among patients and healthcare providers for their active participation and contribution to enhancing person-centered care through the communication whiteboard.  

Abstract 284 | PDF Downloads 81


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