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Rabia Sundas
Rabea Ejaz
Saleha Ashfaq
Saima Qadeer
Asima Azam
Wajeeha Saeed
Naqash Khan
Rukshanda Saleem
Asma Ul Husna


Fertility, anti-müllerian hormone, Follicles, Magnesium, Premenopausal


In human females, fertility is closely linked to anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels. As women age, the number of follicles in their ovaries decreases, as a result their AMH levels decline. This decrease in AMH levels is associated with a decrease in fertility, and a higher risk of infertility and pregnancy complications. Magnesium supplementation has been suggested to positively affect the AMH level in women serum. The study aimed to investigate whether oral magnesium supplementation is positively or negatively correlated with the serum levels of AMH among premenopausal females. The study involved 26 females, including 13 normal fertile females (control group) and 13 infertile females (experimental group). The experimental group was further divided into pre-supplement and post-supplement groups, and given magnesium supplementation (Nutrifactor 500 mg) at regular intervals for 4 weeks. The results showed a significant increase in AMH levels in the post-supplement group compared to the pre-supplement group. The findings suggest that magnesium supplementation can enhance AMH levels, which are responsible for follicle recruitment and fertility. This finding is particularly relevant for assisted reproductive techniques, like in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where AMH levels are critical for success.

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