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Pumpkin, Plain area, Qualitative attributes, Varieties
Genotypes (20) of pumpkin were studied for morphological and yield characters during 2019-20. Flowering days were ranged from 51.0-71.1days. Early maturity and flower was observed in VarietyVF-309. Different ranges were observed for different parameters. Morphological traits recorded were leaf diameter, branches, leaf length and length of vine at harvest. The genotype VF-242 produced maximum vine length i.e. 396.1cm. Vine length was lowest i.e 165.6 cm in genotype VF-255. Range of leaf length was from 27.4 cm to 44.2 cm in different pumpkin genotypes. Branches were ranged from 2.0-4.1. The branches number was found maximum 4.1 in genotype VF-270. Fruit per plant was showed maximum 13.7 by genotypeVF-268. The fruit was minimum 2.0 in genotype VF-311. The average fruit weight 3.2 kg was given by genotype VF-250. The average fruit weight was minimum 1.0 kg in genotype VF-257. Pumpkin lines behaved differently for different parameters. Yield per plant 32.0 kg/plant was recorded in genotype VF-422 and it was on top ranked. Minimum yield 1.9 kg/plant was observed in genotype VF-270. Fruit color and flesh color of all the studied genotypes showed variations. Out of the 20 studied 7 genotypes including VF-422, VF-268, VF-242, VF-116, VF-423, VF-250, VF-309 may be used in future breeding program to develop pumpkin hybrids/varieties.
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