Establishing a Protocol for Gingival Retraction- A Review

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Varun Wadhwani
Vinay Sivaswamy
Vaishnavi Rajaraman
Khushali K. Shah


Impression making, gingival retraction, cordless retraction, and implant


To ensure the success of fixed dental prostheses, it is critical to obtain accurate impressions of the prepared finish line, whether it is a tooth-supported or implant-supported prosthesis. Gingival retraction techniques can be used to reduce any discrepancy between the restoration and the abutment if the prepared finish line is near the gingival sulcus. Accurate marginal positioning is crucial for optimal therapeutic, preventive, and aesthetic outcomes. Gingival retraction techniques can be classified into mechanical, chemical, or surgical methods. This article provides an overview of various conventional and modern methods of gingival retraction used in impression making of tooth-supported and implant-supported prostheses, and summarizes the conclusions extracted from studies on gingival tissue management.

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