Histological comparison of three calcium silicate materials in the Pulpotomy of rat molars

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Nikitha Suzanne Varghese
Karthik Ganesh Mohanraj
Ganesh Jeevanandan


cost, calcium, molars, alternative


Introduction: The importance of preservation of pulp tissue prolongs the vitality of the tooth. The introduction of calcium silicate cements has proven to increase the success rate of the treatment, but the increased cost of the material is a disadvantage. Thus the development of a new material which has a superior clinical effect and is safe and economical is of utmost importance.
Aim: The purpose of this research is to histologically evaluate a novel calcium silicate cement and correlate it to Biodentine and Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as pulpotomy agents in a rat model.
Subjects and methods: A total of nine Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups equally. Pulpotomies were conducted on the caries free mandibular molars using the three calcium silicate cements- new calcium silicate cement, Biodentine, and MTA under general anaesthesia. Glass ionomer cement that had been resin-modified was used to seal access cavities. At 7, 14, and 28 days following surgery, pulpotomized teeth in both groups were examined histologically under a light microscope (10x).
Results: Over the course of the experimented time periods, the inflammatory cell response gradually decreased in all three groups.
Conclusions: The new calcium silicate cement has been shown to have a less inflammatory reaction. This new calcium silicate cement can be used as a cost-effective alternative pulpotomy agent in comparison to the commercially available cements.

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