Quantitative assessment of the efficacy of three different file systems in reducing the bacterial load in primary canals

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Nikitha Suzanne Varghese
Ganesh Jeevanandan


mechanical preparation, Rotary NiTi, microflora, K files


Aim: To quantitatively assess the efficacy of reducing the bacterial load in the root canals of primary molars using K hand files and two NiTi rotary filing systems- Kedo S Square and Kedo S Plus. Methodology: This study was a randomized clinical trial which comprised of 60 children with primary mandibular first and second molars requiring pulpectomy treatment. The samples were randomly allocated into three groups with 20 samples each; Group 1: K hand files, Group 2: Kedo S Square NiTi Rotary files, Group 3: Kedo S plus NiTi Rotary files. Mechanical preparation was done and samples were obtained before and after cleaning and shaping using absorbent paper points and transferred to a suitable agar media. The cultures were counted and the data was subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS system (IBMSPSS Statistics, Version 20.0, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). Kruskal wallis test was used to compare the mean microbial load of before and after filing values (Pre and Post) between the groups. The test used to compare the mean microbial load of pre and post values within the groups was done using Wilcoxon sign rank test. Results: In all the groups there was a statistical significant reduction of micro flora following mechanical instrumentation but Kedo S plus had a better potential of reducing the microflora in the canals when compared to Kedo Square and K hand files.
Conclusion: Rotary filing systems are as efficient as conventional hand files in reducing bacterial load in primary canals.

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