Uncovering the Smoking Habits of Undergraduate University Students: A Comprehensive Assessment of different varieties Tobacco Use

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Sawsan S. Al- Rawi
Ahmad H. Ibrahim


Tobacco, Hookah, Vape, E-cigarette, Waterpipe, Students


Tobacco use is a prevalent and serious global health issue, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Every year, over 5 million people worldwide die due to tobacco use. This research aims to comprehensively assess tobacco use, including the types of smoking, such as hookah and other varieties, among undergraduate students. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire survey to investigate students' attitudes towards different types of smoking. The questionnaire included demographic information in the first section, while the second section consisted of questions related to students' smoking behaviors. The data revealed that 59.33% of students smoked tobacco daily and started smoking at a young age. The most common tobacco products consumed were manufactured cigarettes (64.66%) and hookah (50%), while vaping or electronic cigarette use was 26%. A total of 70% of students noticed health warnings on cigarette packages, with 50.66% of them attempting to quit smoking, while 64% never considered quitting. Males were found to smoke more than females, with a ratio of 6:1 (85.3% and 14.7%, respectively), possibly influenced by various social, cultural, environmental, and developmental factors. The results also indicated that the majority of students who smoked lived in urban areas with their families, suggesting a significant association between family smoking and students' smoking behavior. Despite health warnings on cigarette packages, students did not seriously consider quitting smoking, indicating an increasing trend of smoking varieties and a significant public health concern, particularly among university students. More effective policies are needed to control smoking and raise awareness about its detrimental health effects among the public.

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