Potential Therapeutic and Effective Properties of Soft Tissue Liners

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Rand A. Hamdi
Sawsan S. Al- Rawi
Ahmad H. Ibrahim
Duran Kala


Soft liners, stomatitis, denture, viscoelasticity, biopolymer, impression


Soft tissue liners are polymer materials between the oral tissue and the surface of the denture. They have an essential role in reducing the effect of the masticatory force on the oral mucosa. This short review gleaned data on soft tissue liners to highlight their potential therapeutic importance in the management of denture-related stomatitis and their comparison to other materials. Published articles
in many databases were collected using keywords with soft liner properties, viscoelastic, dental materials, impression technique, and additive liner materials. The soft liners were compared to the viscoelastic oral mucosa, and their influences on the control of denture plaque were highlighted too. Their application in the treatment of denture-related stomatitis, as well as adhesion and biofilm formation, was highlighted. The result showed that soft tissue liners have high therapeutic efficacy and effective properties in treating denture stomatitis due to the incorporation of chlorhexidine, antifungal, and antimicrobial agents. The use of soft liners improved ridge resorption and had a crucial effect on the loss of denture fit and stability. In addition, soft tissue liners in combination with additive materials recovered the effect of saliva on the formation and adhesion of biofilm. Uniquely, the application of soft liners in the functional impression technique was ideal, due to their extensive physical properties, their viscoelasticity, and the immediate poured impression. Therefore, soft liners are highly recommended in many dental conditions such as dentures opposing natural dentition, resorption of irregular bone, immediate implant placement, tooth undercuts, oral mucosa atrophy, bruxism, and xerostomia.

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