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Aisha Jabeen
Mirza Tasawer Baig
Sadaf Ibrahim
Nayel syed
Samina Sheikh
Aiman syed
Quratulain Pirzada
Noorulain Pirzada


School-based screening, Hygiene practices, Pediculus humanus capitis, Prevention


Background: Head lice (Pediculosis humanus capitis) are a significant public health concern globally. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of head lice infestation among elementary school children in Karachi, Pakistan, and identify associated risk factors.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from January to May 2023 in randomly selected elementary schools (government and private) in Karachi. A total of 1501 students aged 5-13 years were examined for head lice and nits. Data on demographics, hygiene practices, and family history were collected using a pretested questionnaire with informed consent.

Results: Head lice infestation was identified in 351 (23.4%) participants. Females had a significantly higher prevalence (59.5%) compared to males (40.45%). The highest infestation rate (44%) was observed among children aged 3-4 years, followed by 5-10 years (34.7%) and 10-13 years (20%). Students with parents of lower educational attainment, unemployed fathers, and a history of infestation were more likely to be infested (p<0.001). Infrequent combing (less than daily) and infrequent bathing (once or less per week) were associated with a higher prevalence (p<0.05). Head covering among girls significantly reduced transmission risk (p=0.004). Having lice in other family members were significant risk factors (p<0.05). Itching was the most prevalent symptom (p=0.004). Family size did not significantly influence infestation rates.

Conclusion: Head lice infestation remains a common public health problem among elementary school children in Karachi. The study identified several risk factors, including age, gender, socioeconomic status, hygiene practices, and family history. School-based screening programs, coupled with education on hygiene and transmission prevention, are crucial for controlling head lice infestation in this population.

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