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Barkat Ali
Zahida Memon
Mirza Tasawer Baig
Muhammad Latif
Maryam Ahmed
Syed Zia ul Hasnain
Aisha Jabeen


platelet-rich plasma, preparations, cell composition


Purpose of the study is to evaluate variations in formulations used to prepare platelet-rich plasmas (PRPs) result in differences in the cellular composition and biomolecular characteristics. Study design was controlled laboratory study. In this study five preparation procedures were performed for 14 healthy subjects, including 2 manual procedures (single-spin at     900g for 5 minutes; double-spin at 900g for 5 minutes and then 1500g for 15 minutes) and 3 methods with commercial kits (Arthrex ACP, Biomet GPS, and Prodizen Prosys). Results of the study showed that the DS PRP had a higher concentration of platelets and leukocytes than did the SS PRP. Every PRP preparation exhibited an increase in PDGF, TGF, VEGF, and FGF release when compared with whole blood samples. In short word the DS method generally led to a higher concentration of platelet relative to the SS method.

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