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Hajar Farhad
Kirran Sikandar Gondal
Muhammad Ali
Iqra Nadeem
Abdullah Warad
Wajahat Haider
Muhammad Ali


Squatting, Heel raise, alignment, trunk angle


Background: A sufficient degree of mobility at the ankle is required to facilitate balance and control in both the ascent and descent of the squat. Insufficient ankle mobility is often compensated with the forward trunk angle.
Aim: To determine the effect of heel raise on trunk angle in healthy non-athletic population.

Design: Cross-sectional study

Intervention(s): Study included both male and female, healthy, physically active adults aged 18 years and above, who were not engaged in organized sports activities. Participants were selected based on their consistent engagement in physical activities, practicing a minimum of three sessions per week, each lasting at least 20 minutes. To measure maximum ankle DF-ROM, a weight bearing lunge test (WBLT) was used for each subject. A wooden block was used for the heel raise. The participants were asked to stand on heel wedge, squat and hold the end of squat position for 3 sec at the end to have sufficient time to record the angle. Motion capture was facilitated using a Samsung A9 device, and subsequent angle calculations were performed utilizing the Kinovea software. Adaptive measures were taken to reduce the chance of measurement error by placing the markers over anatomical landmarks and camera held at a distance of 5m from participant at an angle of 90 degrees. Ankle dorsiflexion with WBLT, trunk angle without heel raise and trunk angle with heel raise were the main outcome measures of this study.

Results: Results showed significant differences on trunk angle with and without heel raise (g= 0.6, 95% CI [0.1 to 1.2]; p= 0.02). The mean and standard deviation was shown to be 3.1±4.6. Hence, trunk angle showed significant differences with and without a heel raise with moderate effect size (g= 0.6).

Conclusion: Facilitation of the ankle dorsiflexion movement with the help of heel raise during squat movement decreased forward trunk angle leading to improvement in spinal alignment.

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