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Tariq Mehmood
Muhammad Imran Anwar
Muhammad Hamza Laique
Daniyal Javed
Ali Askari
Muhammad Rizwan


Breast Cancer, Fibroadenoma, Breast Lump, Fibrocystic disease, Mastalgia


Introduction: One of the most common diseases encountered in outpatient department of general surgery unit are breast lesions. 200,000 cases of breast diseases was diagnosed annually. Pattern of presentation of breast diseases varies region to region and race to race. Mastalgia, lump, nipple discharge and skin lesions are the common mode of presentation. Most common benign lesion is fibraoadenoma and most common pattern of presentation is lump followed by mastalgia. Every breast mass should be biopsied and properly treated.

Aim: To determine the clinical and demographic features of patients with breast lesions.

Methods and Materials: This retrospective observational study was conducted in general surgery and surgical oncology unit 2 of Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore, between January 2022 and April 2023. A non-probability convenience sampling technique was used. Data was collected in the form of age, gender, diagnosis, and pattern of presentation in a pre-defined Performa. All the data was analyzed and presented in the form of frequencies and percentages.

Results: A total of 89 patients were included in this study. The mean age of presentation in benign breast disease was 29.3 years, and in malignant breast disease, it was 45.5 years. 15/89 (16.85%) patients had malignant breast diseases, whereas 74/89 (83.15%) patients had benign breast diseases. The most common cause of breast swelling was fibro-adenoma (21.34%), followed by carcinoma breast (16.85%). The least common cause of breast swelling was ductal ectasia (1.12%), followed by phyllodes tumor (3.37%). The most common presenting clinical feature of benign breast swelling was breast mass (83.78%), followed by pain (60.81%). The least common associated clinical feature of benign breast disease is an axillary lump (6.57%), followed by nipple discharge (9.45%). The most common clinical feature of malignant breast swelling was breast mass (93.33%), followed by axillary lump (53.33%).

Conclusion: Most of the Clinico-epidemiological features of patients with breast lesion are similar with those of previous research. Female is the most common gender presented with breast lesion. The mean age of presentation in benign breast disease was 29.3 years, and in malignant breast disease, it was 45.5 years. Benign diseases are the most common culprit for breast pathology. Fibro-adenomas the most common cause of benign breast lesion. Most common clinical presentation of benign and malignant breast lesion is breast mass.

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