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Putriana Rachmawati


Soybean, Antioxidants, tempe, isoflavones


Introduction: Tempe is one of the Indonesian traditional foods made through a fermentation process using soybeans as the primary ingredient. The fermentation process enhances the nutritional content by increasing the availability of polyunsaturated fats and protein while reducing anti-nutrients. Tempe contains bioactive compounds known as isoflavones, which function as antioxidants and protect against chronic diseases. Various in vivo studies have shown the health benefits of tempe, including improved immune system, gut microbiota, blood pressure, blood lipid profile, liver health, atherosclerosis prevention and cognitive function enhancement. Additionally, tempe shows potential as a chemotherapeutic agent for breast cancer. Tempe can be consumed directly or modified, combined or not, to get the value of tempe pharmacologically.

Methods: The review used national and international journals with keywords such as natural medicine, combination and tempe. The inclusion criteria were the impact of combined materials on the pharmacological value of tempe, with exclusion criteria related to non-pharmacological value and modification processes.

Result: Tempe contains isoflavones, such as daidzein, genistein and glycitein, which possess antioxidant properties. The fermentation process of tempe produces free isoflavones with higher antioxidant activity compared to conjugated isoflavones in soybeans. Additionally, there have been efforts to combine tempe with other substances in nanoparticle form to accelerate wound healing.

Conclusion: Several studies have explored the combination of tempe with other antioxidant sources like carrots, purple sweet potatoes, red rice, winged beans and black beans. This combination can enhance antioxidant activity and holds promise in addressing diabetes mellitus.

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