Human Development Index and Innovation Capabilities in the Health Sector of UAE Human Development Index in Health Care

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Al-Marzooqi Sultan Mohamed Al-Marzooqi
Ashraf M Zedan Al Dulaimi
Asmuliadi Lubis
Norrodzoh Binti Hj Siren
Sayyid Buhar Kassim


Innovation Capabilities, Healthcare sectors, Hospital, Human Development Index, UAE


Based on human capital theory, the goal of this study is to look into the role of innovation capabilities in the UAE healthcare sector's competitiveness. Following the qualitative research design, data were gathered through interviews with 90 experts and professionals working in the health industry in UAE. Furthermore, the study also analyzed the UAE's HDI, innovation capacities, and human development competitiveness from 2014 to 2020 using the conceptual statistics of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) obtained in the health sector. Results revealed that UAE achieved some positive indicator results from 2020 to 2021. Additionally, there are significant areas of improvement through which the UAE can build a better rank in the global competitiveness index of the health sector. The study provided key policy insights for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of innovation capabilities and human development competitiveness in the healthcare sector. Avenues of growth policy and future research directions are suggested.

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