A Alpha feto protein and high sensitive c-reactive protein levels in Iraqi liver cirrhosis patients Alpha feto protein and high sensitive c-reactive protein levels

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Wassan Abbas


Liver cirrhosis, alpha –fetoprotein, hs-CRP


Background: Liver-related death globally is caused mainly by Cirrhosis. It is the final  grade of intensive liver fibrosis, in which the hepatic architecture is changed.

Cirrhosis is a common worldwide disease and can be the end stage of several reasons , like obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver , alcoholism, viral infection such as viral hepatitis , immunity disorders, bile duct obstruction , and metabolic diseases. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is defined as a protein secreted by the germinal yolk cysit and liver. AFP  used as a partition test for inherited disorders, chromosomal anomaly .hs-CRP have separated correlation with NAFLD. So, hs-CRP can be  benefit as a good parameter for liver defect acerbity .

Subjects and Methods: thirty liver cirrhotic participants  and thirty  well being subjects as control (men and women).The specimen were possessed from Baghdad, Iraq were enrolled in this study.  Blood and serum samples were obtained for the estimation of Hb and serum alpha–feto protein and hs –CRP levels.

Results: The pooled data of participants showed that hs-CRP and alph –fetoprotein concentration  in cirrhotic subjects  were significantly higher than control p<0.0001. There is no significant gender differences considering alpha fetoprotein with while hs CRP was higher in male when compared with female

Conclusion: This research show a significant high level of hs –CRP and alpha –fetoprotein in liver cirrhosis patients compared with the control subjects.

There is a nonsignificant gender differences concerning alpha –fetoprotein

With significant high level of hs- CRP in males compared with females

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