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Dr. Pragya Prakash




Diseases affecting the cornea are the major cause of blindness in developing countries and infective keratitis is the main cause for this. Mycotic keratitis is more common in the tropical and developing countries which suggest warm climate and poor hygiene are important causative factors.Globally, the incidence of keratomycoses and systemic mycoses is rising.1 The common cornea pathogenic fungi include Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Candida spp., with regional variations depending on geographical, occupational and host factors [2]. Corneal infections due to filamentous fungi are found to predominantly cause infection in tropical and subtropical regions, and yeasts more frequently in temperate climates [1-2]. The most common fungi isolated  in tropical regions is Aspergillus spp. (31.1%), followed by Fusarium spp. (24.5%), Alternaria (10.5%), Curvularia (10.2%),  2].. The demonstration of fungal elements in microscopic examination and culture has been the gold standard for diagnosing fungal keratitis The use of antifungal medications is considered the main treatment for fungal keratitis. It is recommended to start antifungal therapy after confirmation of the clinical diagnosis with a smear or positive cultures. Topical application of antifungal medications is a mainstay for the treatment of fungal keratitis.

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