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Harjeet Singh
Dr Jaya Jain
Dr Ashutosh Jain
Dr Chaudhary Devendra


Diabetes Mellitus, zinc, copper, selenium, Iron


Background: As Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder, where metabolism of various trace elements is being altered. Present study has been carried out to find out the association between Diabetes Mellitus and alteration in the level of trace elements.

Aim: To analyse the level of trace elements  in type 2 DM patients in comparison with healthy controls.

Materials and Methods: The present cross sectional study was carried out in 122 patient of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The study was carried out in Clinical biochemistry, central Laboratory, IMCH and RC, Department of Biochemistry, Indore. FBS was estimated by GOD-POD method. Serum Copper and Serum Zinc levels were assessed colorimetrically.

Results: In our study, serum copper level was found high in Type 2 DM patients and serum Zinc level is decrease ed in the patients of Type 2 DM.

Conclusion: Alteration in levels of Copper and Zinc are found to be important predisposing factors for patients of diabetes mellitus for developing complications. From the present study it may be concluded that alteration in levels of trace elements like Cu and Zn may have a role in the pathogenesis and progression of Diabetes Mellitus.

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