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Shabab Ahmad
Muhammad Oneeb
Muhammad Lateef
Muhammad Ijaz
Muhammad Irfan Siddique
Sajida Nawaz


Rhipicephalus microplus, Mentha piperita, Mentha piperitax.  acaricidal activity, Toxicity evaluation


Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TTBDs) are among the global health challenges. The irrational use of synthetic chemicals poses serious threats in terms of toxicity, environmental hazards and resistance. The use of essential oils as an augmentative approach can be highly important for combatting this issue. However, their volatile nature, low stability and direct exposure to extreme environmental conditions compromise their efficacy. The use of suitable polymers to encapsulate essential oils is one way forward. Mentha (M.) piperita essential oil (EO) is a possible alternative for the control of TTBDs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro acaricidal efficacy of chitosan (CS)-encapsulated M. piperita EO against R. microplus. The M. piperita EO was encapsulated in Preparation of CS nanoparticles (NPs) following emulsification/ionic gelation. The adult immersion bioassay was employed to analyse the acaricidal activity of encapsulated M. piperita EO (8 mg/ml to 0.5 mg/ml). Furthermore, the toxicity of M. piperita EO NPs against non-target species was evaluated by three tests including:  Acute dermal irritation test, acute dermal toxicity study and skin sensitization test. It exhibited excellent acaricidal activity against R. microplus, the efficacy of encapsulated M. piperita EO was the highest, increasing up to 100% (RC50=0.877, RC90=5.231) at the highest concentration. Similarly, the inhibition of oviposition was maximum at highest concentration. While, hatching rate of laid eggs increased with the decrease of concentration. Moreover, the M. piperita EO NPs were found nontoxic for non-target species. The present study provides the first description of the acaricidal activity of nanoencapsulated M. piperita EO against adult R. microplus, which is an eco-friendly alternate control strategy for ticks.

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