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Iqra Kamal
Touseef Khan
Dr Lubna Memon
Dr Imtiaz Hussain Pandrani
Anam Khan



Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the level of knowledge, attitude, and information resource on the use of dental implants as a treatment alternative to the routine procedures carried out to replace missing teeth. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study of adult dental patients who visited various hospitals and dental clinics for obtaining dental implants were included in this study. The amount of knowledge, data feed, and attitude towards opting for dental implants as a treatment modality were assessed using standardized self-explanatory questionnaires distributed among patients when they visited the dental clinics. This survey includes 200 randomly selected patients. Results: Amid 200 respondents that participated in study, 89% (180) of respondents had heard about implants, with 43.5% (89) being female and 45.5% (91) being male. Only 11% (20) did not have heard about implants before. The major source of information were friends and family 31% (62) followed by dentist 29.5% (59).

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