Radiology Knowledge and Attitudes towards CT Radiation Dose and Exposure: A Survey Study

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Mohammed Marzouq M Alrasheedi, Ahmed Mafdhi Aifan Alanezi, Ahmad Marzouq M Alrasheedi, Shujaa Murdhi Menawer Alrasheedi, Bandar Khalaf Farhan Alanazi, Mamdouh Alaswad Ali Alshammari


computed tomography, radiologist, ALARA principle, paediatric, CT radiation risk


Computed tomography (CT) is a crucial imaging technique in diagnostic radiology, offering highly sensitive and specific information. However, the increased use of CT scans raises concerns about radiation quantity and associated risks, especially in paediatrics. The principle of radiation protection emphasizes keeping radiation doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), necessitating justified CT use, particularly in paediatric cases. Knowledge about CT radiation is essential for optimizing radiation dose and minimizing risks. This study aims to assess the knowledge, expertise, and competency of Radiology   technician  regarding CT radiation dose and hazards in paediatrics. A self-administered multiple-choice questionnaire was used to evaluate the attitudes and opinions of Radiology   technician  involved in ionizing radiation imaging studies. Results showed that 65% ± 13.5% of respondents had a good understanding of the carcinogenic risks associated with CT scans, with 80% acknowledging elevated cancer risks. However, awareness of specific radiation risks in head, chest, and abdominal paediatric examinations was lower, with only 48.5%, 56.5%, and 65% of respondents aware, respectively. The study recommends regular and specific training courses to enhance Radiology   technician ' fundamental knowledge of CT radiation and improve radiation safety practices.

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