Educational Guideline Impact on Nurses' Care for Emergency Patients with Accidental Chest Trauma

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Majed Nahi Labidan Al-Anazi, Rasha Saud Matar Al-Dhafiri, Abdulaziz Saeed Altamami Alenazy, Bader Shaker Almutairi, Mohammad Aewaijan Alanazi, Sattam Dinar Al-Anazi, Muhaylan Raja Muhaylan Alanazi


Trauma, educational guideline, emergency nursing, chest trauma, thoracic injury


Trauma remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Chest injuries, ranging from minor rib fractures to severe heart or tracheobronchial injuries, affect a significant portion of patients.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the impact of an educational guideline on nurses' practice in caring for emergency patients with accidental chest trauma.

Design: A quasi-experimental design with pre and post-tests was employed. Setting: The study took place in the emergency room (ER) of  Emergency Hospital.

Participants: A convenience sample of 60 ER nurses, of diverse demographics and willing to participate, cared for patients with accidental chest trauma.

Instruments: Data collection utilized two tools: Nurses' Self-Administered Questionnaire assessing demographics, knowledge, and attitudes, and Nurses' Observational Checklist evaluating practice levels.

Results: The study revealed a significant improvement in nurses' knowledge, practice, and attitudes following the educational guideline implementation. While no significant association was found between nurses' attitudes (pre & post) and their education level (P > 0.05), a significant relationship was observed post-guideline implementation between nurses' education level and their practice and knowledge (P < 0.001 & 0.004, respectively).

Conclusion: The educational guideline positively influenced nurses' practice in caring for patients with accidental chest trauma during emergencies, supporting the research hypothesis.

Recommendation: Regular educational programs should be scheduled every six months for ER nurses to enhance their practice and ensure high-quality care for patients with chest trauma

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