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Saima Abbas Virk
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sikander Ghayas Khan
Hina Sameeullah


Stuttering, Stammering, Serum Cortisol, DASS


Background: Stuttering is defined as a disturbance in the rhythm of speech. Stuttering is characterized by "a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is interrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases, and involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the stutterer is unable to produce sounds.

Objective: The objective of this research was to investigate the association between stress, cortisol levels, and the severity of stuttering.

Methodology: A Comparative Cross-Sectional study design was employed for this research. 65 The sample size 65 was calculated based on a previous study that was done in 2017 “Awareness about stammering and Self Therapy of Stutterers (Biomedical Research of Complex Word of Neurological Sciences) the online sample size calculated was used to evaluate the sample by using 95% confidence interval 8% level of significant. Children and adults of age from 4 to 30 years were included. Individuals with co-morbid conditions such as heart disease and endocrinology disorders were excluded from the study. A convenience sampling technique was used, and data was collected for 6 months from Children's Hospital Lahore and other private settings.

Results: Among 65 study respondents, 16 stammers showed high, 12 showed below and 37 people showed normal range means out of 100%. 56% of participants were normal 18.4% below and 24% showed high levels of serum cortisol. Co-relation was found but frequency was not as high as expected.

Conclusion: It is concluded that there was no significant relationship between stress and Cortisol levels among stutterers. The physical aspects and secondary behavior of stutterers were influenced directly and indirectly by stuttering.

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