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Qaisar Raza
Azmat Ullah
Muniba Khaliq
Riffat Ayesha Anis
Kinza Imran
Rakhshanda Batool
Saeed Imran


Frequency of hepatitis, Hepatitis, Lifestyle determinants of hepatitis, Risk factors of hepatitis, Socio-demographic


Hepatitis is the eighth-highest cause of mortality globally and second-highest in Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to determine frequency of Hepatitis B and C and related lifestyle and socio-demographic risk factors among adults. The data were collected though questionnaire from Hepatitis B and C patients from Mayo and Jinnah hospital Lahore. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 18. There were 5095 patients with Hepatitis B and C out of which 146 patients (67 males and 79 females) filled questionnaire. The frequency of hepatitis C was higher than hepatitis B. The significant risk factors associated with hepatitis B and C were education, marital status, family history, household income, and type of food consumed. Therefore, socio-demographic and lifestyle risk factors related interventions needed to reduce frequency of Hepatitis B and C.

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