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Ajet Kumar
Adnan Shaheen
Sonia Saleem
Fozia Baloch
Aizaz Ali Khan
Komal Sattar


Hypertonic saline, salbutamol, nebulization, children, bronchiolitis


Background: Bronchiolitis is a frequent respiratory illness in children. The virus can produce symptoms ranging from mild respiratory irritation to more serious pneumonia if it affects the lower respiratory tract. Bronchiolitis can arise for a variety of viruses, the most frequent one being the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Because of how severe the symptoms are, neonates are often more likely to contract the sickness. The patient's natural response to the reduced lung flexibility is to breathe more quickly, which leads to the classic symptoms of trapped air, increased mucus production, lung collapse, trouble breathing, and decreased airflow.

Objective: To compare the average length of hospitalization between treating bronchiolitis in children in our local population with salbutamol and 3% hypertonic saline.

Study design: a randomized control trial

Place and Duration This study was conducted in Al-Aleem Medical College, Ghulab Devi Teaching Hospital Lahore from October 2022 to October 2023.

Methodology: Children with a "respiratory distress assessment index" (RDAI) score between 4 and 15 who had a persistent dry cough and audible breathing sounds (wheezing) were included in the study. The children ranged in age from 1 month to 2 years. Demographic baselines were documented. A coin toss was used for randomization: Group A received heads for 3% hypertonic saline, while Group B received tails for salbutamol.

Results: A total of eighty participants were chosen to be included in this study. The children were split into two equal groups of forty in each. The age range of the children was one month to two years old. In Group A, the average age was 14.2 months and the average weight was 8.24 kg. In Group B, the average age was 15.7 months and the average weight was 8.6 kg. Group A mean hospital stay was 3.5 days, whereas group B mean hospital stay was 4.2 days.

Conclusion: Hospital stay duration and clinical severity scores (CS) are considerably decreased by HS as compared to salbutamol nebulization.

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