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Dr Mamoona Shaikh
Dr Maria Karim Narejo
Dr Jamil Ahmed
Dr Kauser Shaikh


Postoperative pain, Lower limb surgery of Tibia/femur, Opioids, pregablin


Objectives: To compare the postoperative outcomes of pregablin versus placebo in patients undergoing Lower limb surgery.

Materials and Methods:  In this RCT study, we enrolled a total of 100 patients, undergoing elective lower limb surgery of Tibia/femur. Patients were divided into two groups. Group I was offered Pregablin and Group II was given Placebo.  Pain was assessed on VAS scale and at 2 score 4 and above IV pethidine 50 mg was given. At 24 hours pain was assessed finally and consumption of opioid was noted in the proforma by the PI.

Results: The average age of the patients was 39.08±8.81years. Mean pain score was significantly high in group II than Group I [4.7±1.39 vs. 2.52±0.99; p=0.0005]. Mean Opioid consumption was significantly high in group II as compare to group I [91.22±42.92 vs. 55.56±16.67; p=0.019].

Conclusion: Administering a single preoperative oral dose of 150 mg pregabalin has been demonstrated as an effective approach in mitigating postoperative pain among individuals undergoing lower limb surgery.

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