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Ibrar Ahmad
Muhammad Fayaz
Hamid Ali
Marium Khan
Shaista Jabeen
Wajeeha Wajid
Hammad Ahmad
Mehboob Ali
Tooba Wajid
Muhammad Salman
Mian Sami Ullah
Hamza Hameed


Interferon, HCV, HBV


The liver infections are the major cause of increasing mortality rate throughout the world. Liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cause an estimated 783,000 and 619,000 deaths per year respectively. Thyroid dysfunction (TD) represents an extrahepatic manifestation of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Moreover, the currently approved treatment of CHC is often associated with TD. However, it remains debatable if TD is mainly virus or treatment related. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of TD and to identify its predictors in treated and untreated CHC‑infected patients. Aim of current work was to explore the effect of interferon therapy on the thyroid profile of viral hepatic patients. A total of 150(are those patients who received therapy and 50 is the control group which is given below) HBV and HCV patients who were receiving peg interferon therapy were assessed for the thyroid profile against 50 patients of untreated viral hepatic control group. Thyroid profile was relatively higher in younger patients (20-30 years) as compared to control group. A higher level of thyroid hormone was observed in age group of 20 to 30 (30.71%) among the exploratory and control group. Female patients show slight elevation in thyroid profile in contrast to male patients. The observed value of certain thyroid hormones was hyperthyroidism is about 28% in HCV patients, followed by hypothyroidism 24% and similarly euthyroidism developed in 48% of patients while in HBV patients the hyperthyroidism was noted 35%, hypothyroidism was 21% and euthyroidism was observed 44% the current result how that hypothyroidism in HBV is about 21% and HCV is 24%,hyper thyroidism in  HBV is 35% and HCV is about 28%.,euthyroidism in HBV is noted 44% and HCV 48%.Our study suggests that the thyroid profile values in different age wise distribution T3 and T4 value were noted high in group 15-25 Years, T4 and TSH values are raised in group 26-35 followed by group 36-45 and 46-55 Years. While T4 value was raised in 56-65 Year group.

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