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Dr. J. B. Ashraf Ali M.D.
H. Mohamed Thameem Ansari
Dr. T.Dinesh M.D.


Medical student, Sleep, Depressive symptoms, Mental health


Mental health is a fundamental aspect in ensuring the stable and successful professional life of future physicians. Depressive symptoms can negatively affect the work-life-balance and efficiency at work of medical students. The present study is to investigate the associationbetween sleep characteristics and the outcome of the Beck Depression Inventory-II score. A survey using the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was conducted amongst students at Govt Thiruvarur Medical College. Data analysis was performed with descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression.The Beck Depression Inventory - II questionnaire was administered to a group of 171 MBBS students. Those who scored above 17, indicating borderline depression, were selected for further evaluation using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire.The study involved 105 MBBS students, and their demographic data were documented.Sleep quality is poor in 96.20% of students using PSQI scores(indicated by a PSQI total score > 5 points), with a statistically significant p-value of < 0.032.

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