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Sandeep Dabral
Tariq Masood
Suman Pandey
Anjali Verma




Background-Obesity is the one of the biggest risk factors for diabetes with its different complications. Some authors and clinical corroboration showed the powerful bonding of obesity and diabetes. This study was aimed to compare the association between type 2 diabetes mellitus and various anthropometric measures to assess the practicality of the computation in impersonal practice.

Aim -Exploring the effect of different Anthropometric Parameters in Diabetics of Sub Himalayan Region.

Method- After the Ethical approval of SGRR Medical College, Dehradun. The study was conducted in the Dept. of Biochemistry, GMC, Haldwani, Uttarakhand. The eligible subjects (250) aged 35-60 years were involved after the informed consent in which 200 subjects were pin up in study Group - A; 50 were attach for Control Group-B; after fasting blood glucose level and HbA1C (Turbidimetry method). Various anthropometric measurements were used according to standard World Health Organization protocols.

Result- There was statistically significant difference in waist circumference between study group with control group.

Conclusion- Muscular connection is recognized between the plumpness of waist mark and diabetes. So, BMI and WC can be used in medical practice as preventive measure to modify lifestyle.


BMI-Body Mass Index, FBG- Fasting Blood Glucose, HbA1C- Glycated Haemoglobin, T2DM-Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus, WC- Waist Circumference-Waist Hip Ratio

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