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Dr. Sonia Shagufta
Dr. Sharif Ullah Jan
Dr. Salma Andleeb
Sidra Wahab


Antisocial Traits, Callousness, Egocentricity, Proactive Aggression, Reactive Aggression


The aim of the present study was to investigate the factor structure of Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ), applicability of two factor model across the gender and it association with psychopathy. Sample of the current study was consisted of 600 undergraduate students (300 male and 300 female) aged between 17 and 25 years. Data was collected by using cross-sectional method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques were utilized to assess the data. For this purpose, five latent variables were identified: reactive aggression, proactive aggression, egocentricity, callousness and antisocial traits of psychopathy. Results of the current study overall supported the two-factor model of the RPQ and applicability of the same model across the gender. Furthermore, sub scales of RPQ evidenced differential correlates with psychopathy. Proactive aggression was significantly positively associated, whereas reactive aggression was significantly negatively related with the callousness. Reactive aggression was significantly positively associated with antisocial factor. Furthermore, results revealed that both reactive and proactive aggressions were also associated with egocentricity however; this relationship was stronger for later variable. Empirical findings confirmed the prevalence of reactive and proactive aggression and its association with psychopathy among undergraduate students and suggested that there is utmost need to modify these traits by counselling because both are responsible for the development of psychopathic traits that subsequently leads towards the criminal and violent behavior.

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