Screening and Referral to Identify Children at Risk for FASD: Search for New Methods 2006-2013

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Gideon Koren
Albert Chudley
Christine Loock
Stuart M MacLeod
Ted Rosales
Charlotte Rosenbaum
Moumita Sarkar


screening, FASD, children


As part of the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres Taskforce on FASD Screening commitment to further pilot, validate and evaluate the multiple components of the Can a dian FASD Screening Tool Kit, it was deemed necessary that recent developments and/or improvements in FASD screening were identified and considered. In 2008 a literature review of methods for screening for FASD was published until 2006 and identified five tool s which met pre - set criteria. A review of all new papers was published from the period January 2006 until July 1, 2013. Out of 1392 papers, two new screening methods met the inclusion criteria: Clarren et al ’s new norms for palpebral fissure length by age in Canada; and Breiner et al’s extension of the Neurobehavioral Screening Test (NST) to age 4 years. Further work is needed to validate these methods in other settings.

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5. C larren SK, Chudley AE, Wong L, Friesen J, Brant R. Normal distribution of palpebral fissure lengths in Canadian school age children. Can J Clin Pharmacol 2010 Winter;17(1):e67 - 78 .
6. Breiner P, Nulm an I, Koren G . I dentifying the neurobehavioral phenotype of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in young children. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 2013;20(3):e334 - 9 .
7. Leibson T , Neuman G , Chudley AE , Koren G . The differential diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum d isorder. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 201 4;21(1):e1 - e30 8 .
8. Koren G , Zelner I , Nash K , Koren G . Foetal alco hol spectrum disorder: identifying the neurobehavioural phenotype and effective interventions. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2014 Mar;27(2):98 - 104.

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