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Eman Elsheikh
Sereen S Aljohani
Munirah M Alshaikhmubarak
Alhanouf W Alsubaie
Meshari A Alhawl
Norah H Alsultan
Asmaa F. Sharif




Background: The global diabetes mellitus burden is increasing. Developing countries, including the majority of Middle Eastern countries, are experiencing an acceleration in this issue. We investigated the effects of Iron Deficiency Anemia on HbA1c levels in diabetic adults in Saudi Arabia.

Method: A retrospective, cross sectional single-center study was conducted in the period January to April 2023.  445 individuals aged 18 and over received medical care at the polyclinics of King Faisal University are included. Demographic data and clinical condition information were extracted from electronic medical records.

Results: among our patients, 41 patients were diabetic and the other 404 were not. The diabetic patients were significantly older than normal individuals (mean = 57 years among diabetics versus 43.6 years among non-diabetics). Non-diabetic anemic patients showed significantly higher levels of HB A1C compared to the non-diabetic not anemic patients. The median of HBA1C among the non-diabetic anemic patients was 5.46 compared to 5.1 in the non-diabetic not anemic patients (p <0.001). The same finding had been noticed among the diabetic patients, (median of HB A1C = 7.9% in anemic patients versus 6.91 % in non-anemic patients). Nevertheless, this variation didn’t reach the level of statistical significance (p = 0.249).

Conclusion: iron status must be considered when interpreting HbA1c in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals our data also imply that clinicians should be careful when identifying both diabetes and prediabetes in anemic patients. In non-diabetics, iron deficiency anemia features are considerably linked with HbA1c. Hence, its variables should be assessed before diagnosing diabetes.

Abstract 1264 | PDF Downloads 312


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