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M. Anne George
Cindy Hardy


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, content analysis, funding, support, community, Canada



Fetal A lcohol Spectrum Disorder is a preventable health issue affecting about 10% of the population. This research examined proposals submitted to a call for funding for projects to improve outcomes for people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).


The aim was to use the proposals as proxy for perceptions of needs held by practitioners in British Columbia, Canada, where considerable FASD - related education and awareness exists. Methods Content analyses were c onducted and Chi - square tests were used to test the relationship between proposal foci, community size and the submitting agency’s experience with FASD.


Nine foci were found: Skill Development, Care, Training, Resource Development, Education, Transition, Peer Support, Research and Other. No statistically significant difference was found in proposal foci according to size of community, and only one focus, Research, was associated with agency experience. Proposals varied in intensity, timing, participants, and focus of change (people or environments).


Analysis of the proposals provides a unique view into perceptions regarding ways to improve outcomes for people with FASD.

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