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Saima Malik
Nazish Mustafa
Hafsah Kareem
Misbah Mobeen Malik
Hafiza Aasia Malik
Hina Batool


Uterine surgeries, Adherent placenta, Frequency


A placenta that adheres abnormally to the uterine wall, either partially or completely, is known as an adherent placenta. Because of the significant morbidity and mortality linked to this disease and the possibility of a massive haemorrhage after birth, it is a potentially fatal pregnancy complication.

Objective: To determine the frequency of adherent placenta in pregnant women with history of uterine surgeries.

Place and Duration: This Cross-Sectional study was held in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of Nishtar Hospital Multan from 1st April 2016 to 30th September 2016.

Methods: A total of 170 pregnant females with singleton gravida with gestational age 28-36 weeks with history of ≥ 1 D&C or ≥ 1 C-Section or ≥ 1 Hysterotomy or ≥ 1 open abdominal myomectomy > 6 months passed and parity ≥ 1 were selected for the study. Patients with history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and Hyperlipidemia were excluded. Color Doppler Ultrasound examination for exact placental localization and adherence of placenta was done to all patients. Ultrasound examination was done under the supervision of consultant gynecologist having 3 years post fellowship experience. Data was noted for adherence of placenta and recorded on especially designed proforma.

Results: This study age range was from 25-40 years with 32.911± 3.01 years of mean age, 32.305 ± 2.22 weeks was the mean gestational age, 74.100± 13.87 Kg was the mean weight, mean height was1.701± 0.10 meters, mean BMI was 27.378 ± 1.78 Kg/m2 and mean previous uterine surgeries was 1.747± 0.62. Majority of patients were of age group 31-40 years (81.2%). As far as type of previous uterine surgeries, 79.4% had C-section, 12.9% D&C and 7.6% had myomectomy.  Adherent Placenta was seen in 5.9% patients.

Conclusion: My study has concluded that, no incidence of adherent placenta in women with a prior myomectomy. However, the rates of adherent placenta are high in females with prior cesarean section.

Abstract 227 | PDF Downloads 137


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