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Amna Liaquat
Mamoona Ismail Loona
Sadia Yasir
Amna Hassan


Self-Stigma, Social support, Help-seeking attitudes, Health Locus of Control, common mental disorders


The purpose of the study was to examine the predictors of seeking professional psychological help among patients of common mental disorders. Specifically, the study investigated whether, Self-Stigma, perceived social support (family, friends and significant others) and Health locus of control (internal, external and chance) predicts attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help (need for psychological help, Confidence on health provider, interpersonal openness and stigma tolerance). Three hundred (male & female) outdoor psychiatric patients were purposively selected from Government hospital of Rawalpindi district. Symptom checklist (Rahman, 2009), Mini mental state examination (Awan, 2015), Self-stigma of seeking help scale (Haake, Vogel & Wade, 2006), Multidimensional health locus of control scale (DeVellis, Wallston, & Wallston, 1978), Multidimensional Perceived social support scale (Ruksana & Zafar, 2013) and Attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help scale (Fishcher & Turner, 1970) was used for data collection. Permission from original authors were also taken for the translation of the tools. The findings of the study revealed that Self- Stigma, positively predict (Need, Confidence, Interpersonal and Stigma tolerance) attitudes. Perceived social support from friends, family and significant others dose not significantly predict (need) attitudes. Chance health locus of control is a negative and powerful other is a positive predictor of (need) attitudes. It was also found that perceived social from others significantly and social support from family negatively predict (openness) attitudes, internal and chance health locus of control positively predict (openness) attitudes of seeking professional psychological help. Further, perceived social support from family negatively predict (stigma tolerance) and social support from significant others positively predicts (stigma tolerance attitudes) towards seeking professional psychological help.

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