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Ana Hanlon-Dearman
Courtney R. Green
Gail Andrew
Nicole LeBlanc
Jocelynn L. Cook


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorde r (FASD), children, adolescents, anticipatory guidance



Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term that describes the range of effects that can occur in an individual who was prenatally exposed to alcohol and includes an array of complex neurodevelopmental and physical findings.


To give primary healthcare providers (PHCP) evidence-based recommendations for supporting and managing the symptoms of FASD after patients have received a diagnosis.


Primary health recommendations for the management of children and adolescents with FASD were developed based on expert clinical judgment and supported by evidence-based research, where appropriate. The format was adapted from other health supervision practice guidelines as de veloped by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical practice “ Point s” for the PHCP are highlighted. A reference table of anticipatory recommendations by age is presented.


In most cases, the initial screening and referral for diagnosis will be made by the PHCP, and they will be responsible for ongoing management. It is anticipated that these recommendations will provide the PHCP with evidence to support the longitudinal health care of children and adolescents with FASD and their families as they transition throughout all developmental stages.


There is a pressing need for the involvement of PHCP in the active care of children and adolescents with FASD and their families over the lifespan. PHCP are trained in screening, prevention, and management of health needs, and are in the position to coordinate sub-specialty referrals as needed. Engaging PH CP will provide a truly integrated care system for individuals with FASD and their families

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