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Abdullah Turbush A Almalki
Sehrish Khan
Mohammed Saad W Almutari
Fahad Sulaiman B Althiyabi
Abdullah Maashi F Alenezi
Ibrahim Fahad Alfuhed
Thana Aljohani
Mariam Eid ALamrni
Muneera Alosimi
Zainab Al Musawi
Amjad Mohammad Almutairi


Effectiveness, Preoperative, Nursing Assessments, Preoperative Complications, Saudi Arabia


Background: Preoperative assessment is effective in identifying the complications before the surgery. The preoperative nurses assess the patient's physiological and psychological issues before surgery. These disturbances include Anxiety, stress, and fear due to a lack of information about the surgery procedure and its outcomes. Psychological issues cause postoperative complications among patients.

Aim: The purpose of the systematic review is to examine the effectiveness of preoperative nursing assessments in reducing preoperative complications across Saudi Arabia.

Method: A systematic search was conducted across prominent databases, comprising Scopus, Springer, and Sagepub, to identify relevant research articles published between 2018 and 2023. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied rigorously to select studies aligned with the research objectives.

Results: This systematic review shows noticeable variations in the effectiveness of preoperative nursing assessments in reducing preoperative complications in Saudi Arabia. The analysis also revealed key themes preoperative assessment results in decreased Anxiety; Patient satisfaction Linked with the Preoperative Nursing Assessment; Preoperative Nursing Assessment as Psychoeducation to the Patients; Nurses Training in Preoperative Assessment.

Conclusion: Based on a systematic review, it is concluded that preoperative nursing assessment is effective in reducing preoperative complications as it helps reduce Anxiety and increase knowledge about the procedure of surgery, which shows the significant positive impact on the patient's satisfaction. It is also concluded that nurses' training and education in preoperative assessment is necessary to deal with the patient in the OT as the lack of trained nursing staff increases the anxiety level of patients and makes them vulnerable to any complications.

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