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Dr Daya Shankar
Dr Anuj Kumar Choudhary
Dr Ravi Anjan
Dr Medha
Dr Niharika
Dr Awanindra kumar Jha


Dentist perspective, FPD, Implant, RPD, Single tooth replacement


The study aimed to analyze the dentists of North Bihar region about different treatment modalities for replacement of a single missing tooth and the factors that would affect their choices. The study concluded that fixed partial denture is the most common procedure in patient’s perspective to restore a single tooth gap. Dentist educational training, patient oral factors affect the decision-making process. Dentist of various age groups had difference in their preference from the prosthesis like esthetic and function. There was no significant difference between the preferred choice of males and females Fixed partial denture is the most common procedure in dentist perspective to restore a single tooth gap. There is a need to upgrade dentist with educational training regarding all the available options as well as their advantages and disadvantages, the final call should be made keeping all the factors in mind and whatever is best for the concerned patient.

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