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Surya prakash.T
Mohamed anas.S
Surendra kumar.M


Statistical software, Preclinical, Clinical trials, SPSS


The use of statistical software has become a revolutionary force in the quickly changing world of clinical and pre-clinical trials, enabling data-driven decision-making, improving research outcomes, and stimulating innovation. This review paper examines the most recent developments and trends in the practical application of statistical software tools, highlighting their critical influence on the design of clinical and pre-clinical studies. We explore the many features of statistical software and how they affect data administration, analysis, visualization, teamwork, and legal compliance. This article explains the significant impact of statistical software on the quality, effectiveness, and dependability of clinical and pre-clinical trials by a thorough study of recent studies, case studies, and industry insights. We also talk about the new trends, problems, and opportunities that promise to further revolutionize the industry.The contemporary landscape witnesses a proliferation of diverse statistical software solutions, including SPSS Statistics, JMP, Grapher, Minitab, OriginPro, TIMi Suite

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