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Acalypha indica, phytochemical investigation, anthelmintic activities, pheretima posthuma


Since many traditional reports shows that, the leaves of Acalypha indica contains anthelmintic activity, the fresh extract of Acalypha indica leaves was collected and it is subjected to show the anthelmintic activity and its activities are compared with the marketed standard one (Albendazole suspension). Anthelmintic activity is nothing but killing or expelling the infesting worms. For this, the entire plant of Acalypha indica was collected and extracted, and involved in the phytochemical investigation. Earth worms of  pheretima posthumawas used to estimate the anhelmitic activity of the Acalypha indica, the time taken for paralysis (min) and the time taken for death of the worms are recorded and they are compared with the Standard albendazole suspension’s action. The acalypha indica shows better anthelmintic activity as the standard one.

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