Nutritional Status And Its Relationship With Socioeconomic Level In Schoolchildren Of The Uunt Wichim Community, Seville Don Bosco Parish. Morona Santiago, 2023

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Anthony Joshua Rivadeneira Garzón
Aurora Cristina Marín Ramones
María Mercedes Rea Caldas
Maria Isabel Herrera Jaramillo
José Ricardo Charry Ramírez


Malnutrition; Obesity; Socioeconomic Level; Undernutrition


Background: Malnutrition is a worldwide health problem that is associated with various factors, among them, the socioeconomic level of the family nucleus.
Objective: To determine the nutritional status and its relationship with socioeconomic level in schoolchildren of the Uunt Wichim community, Sevilla Don Bosco, Morona Santiago-Ecuador, in the period April-June 2023.
Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out between March and May 2023, with schoolchildren of both genders and ages between 5-12 years, from a community located in Morona Santiago-Ecuador. The height and weight of the schoolchildren were taken, to evaluate the socioeconomic level, the parents or legal guardians filled out the Graffar-Méndez Castellano scale.
Results: A total of 68 schoolchildren participated in the study, with a median and an interquartile range of 10.0 (7.0 - 12.0) years, and 40 (58.8%) were female. Of the schoolchildren, 23.5% were undernourished, 8.8% were overweight and 1.5% were obese. In relation to the socioeconomic level, 7.4% belonged to stratum III, 69.1% to stratum IV and 23.5% to stratum V. Schoolchildren belonging to stratum III and V presented differences in BMI (p = 0.011), likewise, there were differences in BMI between schoolchildren belonging to stratum IV and V (p < 0.001).
Conclusions and relevance: The schoolchildren presented a double burden of malnutrition. The results show that the nutritional status of schoolchildren is related to the socioeconomic level of the family nucleus. It is necessary to develop strategic interventions to eradicate malnutrition.

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