An Optimum Apparent-Integrated Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm In Cloud Computing Data Center Network

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D.M.Kalai Selvi
Rejin Paul


cloud service providers, virtual network embedding, quality of service, resource mapping


The cloud computing model is enabling innovative and disruptive services by allowing industries to lease/rent computing , storage and network resources from cloud service providers.(ex: google cloud platform,IBM cloud platform) .The insertion of virtual network in the existing physical network is called virtual network embedding problem(VNE). The major challenges faced by cloud service providers (CSP) are unexpected failure of services which have direct impact on Quality of Service, energy consumption, service level agreement violation and huge revenue loss. To overcome this, an optimum apparent –integrated virtual network embedding algorithm is used in cloud computing fat tree data center network .The intellectual property of the proposed algorithm is that the virtual machines are embedded to different physical machines in both consolidated and distributed manner. In other words, the proposed algorithm executed in multiple physical servers in order to concurrently mapping virtual resources of a virtual network and reduces the resource-mapping time and also increase QoS of services provided by CSP

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