Failure To Thrive In Children Under Three Years Of Age And Associated Factors, cross-sectional research Study

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Sundus Mohammed Hussein
Myasar Hafedh Ibrahim
Ibrahim Mahmood Saeed


children, failure to thrive, socioeconomic, infant and toddlers, approach


Background: Inadequate nutrition or chronic diseases are typical causes of failure to thrive in infants and young children.
Patients and Methods: One hundred children less than three years old with FTT who were hospitalised to the general hospital in Diyala province, Iraq between September 2020 and September 2022 were analysed in this cross-sectional research. Children's growth was evaluated by measuring their weight, height, and head circumference at age-appropriate intervals and calculating their Z-scores (Standard deviation scores) and means using the Tanner growth charts. Haemoglobin levels and children's socioeconomic status were also examined.
Results: There were 1.5 males for every female, and 76% of the kids were infants; 50% were from low-income homes with many members living in close quarters. Fifty-two mothers (52%) were found to be illiterate. There were 46 (or 46%) kids that were bottle-fed only. Many of these kids are severely undernourished: 44 (44%), whose weights for age were -3SD below the mean; 24 (14%), whose heights were -3SD; and 14 (14%), whose head circumference was -3SD. The majority of the youngsters in this research came from big, low-income homes.
Conclusion: we can safely say that failure to flourish is endemic here. Seventy-six percent were infants The purpose of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and causes of failure to thrive and half came from low-income families.

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