Comparing the therapeutic effects of two Iranian musical modes with standard treatment in acute sciatica pain: a pilot study

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Mona Haqiqi
Fataneh Hashem-Dabaghian
Ahmad Ghandhari
Farshad Amini-Behbahani
Elham Akhtari


Low back pain, Music therapy, Music Medicine, Sciatica


Sciatica is a term that describes radiating pain to the lower extremities. The beneficial effects of music therapy and music medicine on various diseases have been studied and proven in different studies. We designed this study to evaluate the therapeutic effects of two Iranian musical modes on Sciatica pain and disability alleviation. This pilot study was a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with three parallel arms. 30 patients with acute sciatica participated in this study and were randomly assigned to three groups. The intervention groups listened to the musical pieces of Iranian “Navā” and “Rāst-Panjgāh” musical modes (Dastgāh) played before sleep for ten consecutive nights. The control group received the conventional treatment. We compared the findings between the three groups on the tenth day. The primary outcome was pain intensity (Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Functional status (Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire) and amount of painkiller use were secondary outcomes. The reduction in pain intensity (P<0.001) and disability (P<0.001) in the Navā group was significantly more than the control group, while the patients in the Rāst-Panjgāh group had no significant difference from the control group. Comparison between the three groups for Analgesic dose reduction showed no significant difference. The present study is the first to assess music medicine’s effects on sciatica in Iran. This study’s results showed that using Navā music as a supplement to pharmacologic treatment significantly reduced the pain and disability caused by acute sciatica in the participants. Navā music’s effects on sciatica pain were more than that of the Rāst-Panjgāh, while there was no significant difference between these two groups in disability reduction. We hope to gather data on the potential of traditional Iranian music in music therapy.

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