Comparative Evaluation of the Post-operative Complication following Mandibular Third Molar Surgery when using Chlorhexidine vs. Ozonated Water as an Intra-operative Irrigant: A Double-blinded Randomised Controlled Trial

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Sabari Nathan Rajamoorthy
Hemavathy O.R Muralidoss
Murugesan Krishnan
Vinod Krishna Krishnamurthy
Killampalli Y V Saytanarayana


impaction, Chlorhexidine, Ozonated water, Dental, Quality of life


Introduction: One of the most common dental procedures is the surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Pain, oedema, trismus, wound infections, and alveolar osteitis are the most common morbidity-inducing complications
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of post-operative complications following third molar surgical removal, when using cold saline, ozonated water or chlorhexidine as an intra-operative irrigant.
Methods: A total of 132 patients participated in the study. Random allocation was done into one of three groups; saline irrigation, ozonated water irrigation or chlorhexidine solution irrigation. Only mandibular third molars were used in this study
Results: Chlorhexidine was found to be the most effective of the three. There were statistically significant effects of chlorhexidine on the incidence of alveolar osteitis and pain.
Conclusion: This study provided strong evidence that chlorhexidine is the optimal irrigating solution for intraoperative and postoperative third molar procedures.

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