Phenotypic and Molecular Study of Pantoea spp. Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections among Pediatric Patients in Iraq

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Zahraa Mohammed Majeed Alrufaie
Zainab Khalil
Zahraa Yosif Motaweq
Mohauman Mohammed AL- Rufaie


Pantoea spp., β-lactamase, blaTemR, blaSHV, MDR


Pantoea spp. are Gram negative opportunistic pathogen capable of causing disease when the hosts immune system is weak or disrupted as a result of pathogens, accidents, etc. It is also closely related to the worldwide spread of infections. Out of 100 urine specimens collected from UTI pediatric patients, 53 (53%) were Gram-negative bacteria, and out of Gram negative bacteria 14 (14%) samples showed a positive result as Pantoea spp, 27 (27%) Gram-positive bacteria were observed. The remaining 20 (20%) showed no growth on the medium of MacConkey and the Blood Agar. The ability of Pantoea to removes the dark blue color of the iodine starch complex for detection of β-lactamase resistance phenotypes, only 12 isolates (85%) gave positive results. The results were as follows that out of the 14 Pantoea spp. isolates β-lactamase producers, 11/14 (78.5%) Pantoea spp. exhibited zones enhancement with clavulanic acid, confirming their ESBL production, by using disk combination method. The results of screening test revealed that 9/14 (64.3%) Pantoea spp. isolates gave positive ESBLs production test, since the inhibition zone of synergism has been recognized clearly, using disk approximation method. Genotypic detection for β-lactamase resistances used blaTEM, blaSHV genes for detection. The results revealed that out of 14 Pantoea spp were gave 4 (28.6%) for the blaSHV gene. The results of blaTEM indicated for positive amplification and it has been found that blaTEM gene is found in 12 (78.5%) Pantoea spp.

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