Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Escherichia coli from Different Sources in Najaf Hospital

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Rusul Najm
Jinan Mohammed Hussein


piperacillin , lmipenem , aztreonam , VITEK-2


This study aimed to isolate and diagnose Escherichia coli from patients with urinary tract, wounds and burns and its antibiotic resistance pattern. 100 samples were collected from patients with urinary tract infections, wounds and burns for both sexes and different ages from different hospitals in the city of Najaf for the period from the twenty-seventh of July 2022 to the eleventh of December 2023, and after the diagnosis. Samples in the laboratory with selective media, in addition to compressed VITEK-2, and the results showed that the incidence of urinary tract infection was 91% for males and females, wounds 7% for males and females, and burns 2% for males, and the results showed that the percentage of isolates resistance to piperacillin was 64 %, amoxicillin-clavulanate resistance 63%, ceftriaxone resistance rate 43%, ceftazidime resistance 33%, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance 29%, levofloxacin resistance rate 25%, doxycycline resistance rate 20%, aztreonam resistance rate 19%, cefoxitin had a resistance rate of 15%, gentamicin had a resistance rate of 5%, lmipenem had a resistance rate of 1%, amikacin had a resistance rate of 1%.

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